mandag 13. april 2009


Here we go again. Since I joined Facebook I have done my very best to avoid any more sites online which makes me all addicted. Of course I am talking about Twitter, and of course after five days of Easter holidays and done my very best not to be online and instead being social the more natural way…I was trapped. I was checking out my blog, to sort of update and see what to do next…then there was a link to check out Twitter. Five days with no internet and the temptation got too much of a sweetie for me…I clicked on the link…and suddenly I am a Twitter. So, here I am…once more trapped in cyberworld however somewhat relieved as Twitter is not as I expected it to be. It’s fine, don’t misunderstand me, however, it’s not about all that downloading (I think...remember, I am new to it yet and I might be wrong!) …it’s not Facebook! Twitter consists mainly of short updates and references to blogs (some which are really interesting, by the way!)…so I am quite sure I won’t be as addicted to Twitter as to certain others...however, time will show;)

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